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PIA Committees

Member Driven

Executive Board Members

Roberto Montanes headshot.

Roberto Montañez

President, Butler Parachute Systems

Adam Schmucker

Vice-President, SSK Industries, Inc.

Matt Zwicker

Secretary, Airborne Systems

Vinny Salatino headshot.

Vinny Salatino

Treasurer, HLC Industries, Inc.

Pat Thomas headshot.

Pat Thomas

Executive Advisor, Sun Path Products, Inc.

PIA Staff

Mary Thompson

PIA Administrator

PIA Committees

Two gentlemen holding an award at the PIA Symposium.

Awards Committee

Mike Beck - DJ Associates, Inc., Chair

Pat Thomas - Vice Chair

Jean Beck

Curt Bachman

Linda Hollingsworth

Andi Paulsen

Jim McCormick

Pencil and ruler laying on top of blue prints.

Building/Headquarters Committee

Mike Beck - DJ Associates, Chair

Jim McCormick - Vice Chair

Jean Beck

Pat Thomas

United States Air Force pilot in a plane.

Government Systems Committee

Eric Blissmer - Paradigm Parachute & Defense, Chair

Tracy Walker - Vice Chair

Aerostar International, Inc.

Airborne Systems

Bae Systems

Bally Ribbon Mills

Belton Industries

Butler Parachute Systems

Capewell Aerial Systems

Complete Parachute Solutions, Inc.

DJ Associates, Inc.

Ejj Publishing & Literary Services

FXC/Guardian Parachute

HLC Industries, Inc.

Milliken & Co.

Mills Manufacturing

Narricot Industries

Paranetics Technology, Inc.

Performance Textiles, Inc.

Pioneer Aerospace Corporation

Schneider Mills, Inc

Sun Path Products, Inc.

US Army Nsrdec

US Army Program Executive Office Soldier

A group of people happy to be at the PIA Symposium.

Membership Committee

Heather Rinaldi - Paradigm Parachute & Defense Inc., Chair

Marnie Landau - Vice Chair

Candace Procos

Jean Beck

Pat Thomas

Jeanine Feldman

Andi Paulsen

Katie McVey

Chris Christensen

Brad Cole

Mike Beck

Tom Parker

Jeremy Atwood

Chad Marchand

Male at PIA Symposium giving a demonstration on rigging gear.

Rigging Committee

Kirk Smith - Para Concepts, Chair

Kevin Gibson - Vice Chair

T.K. Donle

Bill Coe

Terry Urban

Cheryl Whitford

Tom Parker

Mark Procos

Mike Rinaldi

Andi Paulsen

Betsy Hoats

Roberto Montañez

Nat Hill

Matt Zwicker

Pablo Perazzoli

Abbie Mashaal

Joe Toomis

Jeff Johnston

Adam Schmucker

Alex Godwin

Chris Christenson

Curt Bachman

Meredith Ottery

Chris Howard

Michael Knight

Jo Osterveer

Brad Cole

Brian Krause

Gerard Fetter

Jared Weber

JT Gilman

Kelly Farrington

Norman Girdwood

Group of experienced skydivers creating formations during free fall.

Risk Management Committee

Robert Feldman - Law Offices Of Robert L. Feldman, Chair

William Meyer - Vice Chair

Jeanine Feldman

Terry Urban

Pat Thomas

Bill Coe

Fred Bourinet

Joe Chitty

T. K. Donle

Roberto Montanez

Marc Nadeau

Brent Newman

Bruce Robertson

Cheryl Whitford

Robert Mehl

Jeff Johnston

Tom Parker

Adam Schmucker

Meredith Ottery

Julia Stone

Peter Bany

Gerard Fetter

Cobham booth at the PIA Symposium.

Specifications Committee

Catherine Mollmann - Airborne Systems, Chair

Vinny Salatino - HLC Industries - Vice Chair

Christine Charette - Broad Fabrics Group Sub-committee: U. S. Army Nsrdec

Jerome Richards - Narrow Fabrics Group Sub-committee: Bally Ribbon Mills

Raquel Paramo-Lora - Hardware Sub-committee: Bourdon Forge

Dan Swift - Parachute Manufacturing Standards Sub-committee: Mills Manufacturing

Area shot of PIA Symposium exhibit.

Symposium Committee

Pat Thomas - Sun Path Products, Inc., Chair

Chris Christenson - Vice Chair

Jean Beck

Roberto Montanez

Frank Umbro

Candace Procos

Tom Parker

Sammy Vassilev

Iva Vassilev

Mike Beck

Travis Flint

Andi Paulsen

Meredith Ottery

Heather Rinaldi

Julia Stone

Betsy Hoates

Matt Zwicker

James La Barrie

Katie Boyd McVay

Male giving seminar at the PIA Symposium.

Technical Committee

T.K. Donle - Complete Parachute Solutions, Chair

Betsy Hoats - Vice Chair

Andi Paulsen

Bill Coe

Mark Procos

Roberto Montanez

Jo Osterveer

Kirk Smith

Adam Schmucker

Norman Girdwood

Bruce Robertson

Cheryl Whitford

Dave Singer

Stephan Correas

Jeff Johnston

Kelly Farrington

Nat Hill

Gilles Dutrisac

Tom Parker

Matt Zwicker

Michael Knight

Chris Christenson

Justin Gilman

Court Wallace

Meredith Ottery

Man holding megaphone at PIA Symposium.

Communications Services Committee

Travis Flint - Sun Path Products, Inc, Chair

Mike Beck

Terry Urban

Jean Beck

Carol Galloway

Male skydiver making a landing.

Parachute Certification Standards Committee

Jeff Johnston - Sun Path Products, Inc., Chair

Matt Zwicker - Vice Chair

Mike Rinaldi

Mark Procos

Bill Coe

Stefan Ertler

Norman Girdwood

Dominic Hayhurst

JF Rives

Dave Singer

Terry Urban

Nancy Lariviere

T.K. Donle

Kelly Farrington

Dan Tarasievich

Stephane Correas

Roberto Montañez

Crowd of people enjoying a seminar at the PIA Symposium.

Meeting Logistics Committee

Chris Christenson - Ballenger International, LLC, Chair

Heather Rinaldi - Vice Chair

Jean Beck

Jeaninie Feldman

Tom Parker

Travis Flint

Adam Schmucker

Roberto Montanez

Frank Umbro

Betsy Hoats

Andi Paulsen

Mike Beck

Jim McCormick

Marnie Laundau

Matt Zwicker

James LaBarrie

Curt Bachman

Candace Procos

Pat Thomas

Sign for Parachute Industry Association Symposium 2019.

Marketing Committee

Adam Schmucker - SSK Industries Inc., Chair

James La Barrie - Vice Chair

Pat Thomas

Bruce Robertson

Tom Parker

Roberto Montanez

Betsy Hoats

Travis Flint

Curt Bachman

Chris Howard

Cheryl Whitford

Jim McCormick

Chris Christenson

Andi Paulsen

Mike Beck

Albert Berchtold

Adam Buckner

Michael Knight

Candi Procos

Brian Krause

Matt Zwicker

Katie McVey

Julia Stone

Jeremy Atwood

Matt Siegmann

Mark Warren

Maswood Shah

Experienced skydivers in background with PIA Logo in white.

By-Laws Committee (AD-HOC)

Mike Beck - DJ Associates, Chair

Jean Beck

Robert Feldman

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